For 75 years we’ve helped industry take advantage of these benefits in standard and unique applications. We have a full scope of safe, reliable pneumatic vibrators from a number of manufacturers, and we’re ready to help.
Compressed air is commonly accepted as a facility’s fourth utility. When properly installed and maintained it is an extremely efficient and safe method to both control and transmit energy to a wide range of equipment including pneumatic vibrators. The use of air vibrators to solve flow problems continues to grow because it has a number of advantages:
Our team of specialists are available to discuss your unique needs and determine the best pneumatic vibrator for you. Contact us today and speak with a dedicated expert to learn more about the different options available.
Pneumatic Rotary Vibrators are ideal where the flow problem is primarily caused by a material’s particle to particle interaction forces, and the material to bin wall friction of dry (≤ 5% moisture) bulk solids — the primary causes of a bulk solid’s tendency to bridge, arch, build-up or rat-hole. These relatively dry materials respond best to rotary vibration which produces an omni-directional centrifugal force that can be applied over a proportionately large surface area to transmit energy waves through a bin/chute’s steel wall directly into the material to promote flow.
Much like a hammer, reciprocating piston vibrators generate linear impact force through the repeated driving of a piston directly against a base plate or a cushion of air between the piston and base plate. They produce impulses acting perpendicular to the Form and usually operate in the frequencies of 1,000 to 5,000 vibrations per minute (VPM). The speed (VPM) is based on model selected and the air pressure and volume supplied. They work best for wet, sticky, clinging bulk materials.
Accessories for a range of Rotary and Linear Vibrators.
Share your questions, drawings, or needs and find out how we can handle your problems for you.
Cleveland Turbomite Series Vibrators Brochure
Findeva Pneumatic Vibrator Catalog
Flow-Aid Application Data Sheet
Martin Vibration Solutions Brochure
Vibratek Pneumatic Vibrator Catalog
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